Reaction to the Guidelines Regarding COVID-19

The last time I posted anything here, we were all living in much different circumstances. At that time, there were some guidelines about meetings or gatherings of more than 200 here in Washington State (similar in the State of Oregon). That quickly changed on March 16th, when Governor Inslee essentially ordered what most states then referred to as a “Shelter in Place” order.

We’ve been operating in that manner continuously, ever since. That includes the church where I pastor, Ingle Chapel in Milton-Freewater, Oregon, especially since many members live in Washington. The church building has been closed, and we went to virtual since then. Certainly, I need to make that clarification, as one might see my previous post and assume that we have been defying the authorities, continuing with our traditional church services and meetings, despite what is now being asked of us as citizens.

It has been an interesting time! We are discovering new ways of connecting and being creative. And we’re also getting a picture of who is really out there, listening, and tuning in. We’re also seeing true colors emerge in many different ways. Contrary, in fact, to being a pastor who defies authorities by continuing to meet, in the past month I actually defied local pastors in not supporting an Easter event at the local drive-in movie theater. The reason I didn’t support this was that I see the mission of the local church as not existing solely for the good of itself. For me, Easter is about outreach to a world that desperately needs to connect with Jesus Christ.  

After all, these local church pastors are acting out a passion play of Christ’s crucifixion. They are gathering volunteers to direct traffic, collect tickets (yes, you read correctly – tickets), hand out programs, and operate the production (just the crew’s activities violate the local orders). It was already acknowledged that this event would be attended almost exclusively by believing, die-hard Christians rather than outreach to earnestly seeking people looking for hope. We know already that it will be attended by local media.

At my own local church, in particular, many of the parishioners that I serve are in the high-risk category (elderly), and many are very fearful, and rightfully so. Moreover, it feels to me like this is pushing the envelope of what the lawful authorities are pleading with us to do (and not do). It just didn’t seem like the neighborly thing to be doing. I am very concerned about the image and the metamessage this sends to the onlooking community, especially if this is intended to serve us rather than provide for the felt needs of the community.

Being the Northwest, this local community is full of people with an ax to grind with people of faith. I would much rather spend my energy overcoming their objections through the way we love them, protect them, and act as good neighbors. For me, Easter isn’t about a ritual. It’s a celebration and reflection of perfect sacrifice leading to eternal resurrection. And sacrifice is what we’re now being asked to do, also.

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